Saturday, January 31, 2009

Zebra Danio

Zebra Danio
"Brachydanio rerio"

Zebra Danio is a very suitable tropical fish for any beginner. You can see a long fin variant in this video

Original Habitat:
India, mainly in the east
Male fish are thinner, more elongated and more intensely coloured.
Max Length:
5 cm.
18 to 24 degrees Celsius.
Soft to Medium (6-15 gH) with ph7 (Neutral).
A wide open space is necessary as these tropical fish a very fast and tireless swimmer. A cover is also a must if you don't want this tropical fish jump out from your aquarium. The also enjoy playing with the bubble that came out from the airstone in the aquarium.
This tropical fish species is a shoaling type. A good shoal should consist at least 5 specimens. They are very lively and tend to occupy middle and top zone. Due to their active nature, Zebra Danio might not be suitable in a community tank with shy or calm inhabitants. However, they are always extremely peaceful towards other tropical fish species.
Zebra Danio is an omnivore type of tropical fish. The can live on with almost all diet ranging from live food (tubifex, water flea, mosquito larvae), varied dry food and even vegetables.
Zebra Danio is a free layer and like many other free layer tropical fish, they tend to eat their eggs. Therefore, in order to increase the chances of fry's survival, the parents fish is separated into a separate tank with similar water composition. It is best if the breeding tank is provided with dense leathery leafed vegetation and substrate spawner. Remove the parents as quickly as possible after they finish the spawning process. The fry can be reared with fine powdered food.
Leopard Danio "Brachydanio "Frankei"" and long finned variants.

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